171. Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart on How to Support Your Child Through Fears, Anxiety, and Preparing Them for Challenges

Our guest today is Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart. She is a pediatric psychologist, a parent coach, an author, and a speaker. And let us tell you, we wish we would’ve had this episode sooner in our parenting journeys. Dr. Lockhart walks us through actual, real-life scenarios we are going through with our kiddos.

She also answers the tough questions that so many of us have. How do we handle our kid’s fears and anxieties? Where does rebellion come from and what can we do about it? How can we better understand a child who is lacking motivation? And, how do we help our kids not miss out on a commitment because they are nervous?

Be sure to tag both the @herselfpodcast and @dr.annlouise.lockhart if you got some key takeaways from this episode!

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


172. Going Behind the Scenes on Our Health and Partnerships


170. Keeping the Love in Our Partnerships After Kids with Sheina Schochet @loveafterbaby