147. Real Life Parenting

Welcome to this bonus episode of HERself! It is our dream to someday bring you two episodes each week, so today is the test for that. What you might not see behind the scenes is that our amazing sponsors want a certain amount of downloads, so we have an ask of you. If we do go to two episodes a week, it’s important that you keep listening and sharing these episodes to help us accomplish this dream! With that being said, we’re excited to continue providing you with the best resource that we can to support you along your journey. 

Today we want to reflect on Episode 146 with Dr. Becky that was released earlier this week. Dr. Becky is someone who meets people where they are, and she’s not the type of expert who will shame you by pretending there is a “perfect” way to parent. Rather, she is trying to come alongside you and to help wherever you are. 

Implementing some of the things that we talk about in this episode can make such a difference in helping you and your kids to get through the tougher times, by you providing support but not solving every problem for them. It might not show up at that very moment, but little by little you’ll start to see that all these hard conversations will lead to some really amazing transformations! 

Again, we would be so grateful if you could text, email, and share this episode so that we can bring you even more content weekly. As always, we want to hear your biggest takeaways and how this has helped you, so please tag us at @herselfpodcast! 

Feeling burnt out? Longing for more time and energy for yourself? Don’t know where to start? We’ve been there. Let us help you navigate this busy season while making yourself a priority. Go to https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6324c8a1821b5d8e1a7d5466 and be the first to know when the doors open on our new self-care course! This course is a deep dive into our tried-and-true habits, strategies, and mindset that will help you care for yourself from the inside out. 

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


148. Katy Joy Wells on Decluttering Your Life


146. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Becky Kennedy on How You and Your Child Can Feel Good Inside